Friday 5 January 2018

Peace Out 2017!

Happy 2018 everyone! Yes I know that its been 2 months since my last blog post! Just because some people don't post often on social media, it doesn't mean there is less going on in their lives. Sometimes, you enjoy life so much that you forget about posting things on your blog! (Haha sorry for being selfish guys!). Aiming for this year 2018 to upgrade my blog contents and providing more useful information for you food, travel and fashion ideas.

Peace out 2017 is a recap of my last year events, travels, and happenings with the highlights of my ups and downs in joining the bandwagon of posting your 2017 memories in social media. With this, I do hope that I will remember all the life lessons that came my way and to be gratitude for all the blessings that I have received and be thankful for a life well blessed in so many ways. I do hope that this year will be a great year for your career, travel plans and simply a year of happiness and prosperity! Go on and claim God's blessing in your life today!

Spent my 27th Birthday brunch at The Armoury Craft Beer Bar